Today is the last day of the 2009 Calendar Year and with that comes the tried and true New Years Resolutions. For me, I have set several fiber related goals that I would love to complete in 2009. Honestly, I would happy to have 1 of these completed by the closing of 2010.

For my birthday this past year my mother gave me two gorgeous alpaca fleeces. One is a fawn (light cinnamon brown) and the other is a combination of blacks, browns, and grey. They are gorgeous and they are all mine. They will not be used for my business in any way shape or form. I have been practicing with other fibers a lot lately spinning finer and finery 3-ply yarns. First it was an aran weight, then a worsted, and now I just finished a sport weight! I think that's thin enough for alpaca, right? My goal is to spin the fawn fleece into a sport weight 3-ply yarn and then knit a sweater from that yarn. And not a cropped sweater either. So far that's all I've been able to knit (see left) and it just won't due. I need a real sweater, a sweater that requires 1800 yards of yarn, and I've already begun to drum card the fiber for it.
I want to knit something lacy, like a shawl or table cloth. I never have, and I feel like it's a huge milestone for a knitter because it requires a lot of patience, attention to detail, and commitment to a time consuming project.
I want to knit a pair of socks. I want to knit a pair of socks purely because my mother in law suggested that I might want to consider a career change if I can't manage to knit a pair of socks. Well. I'll show her, won't I? LOL
I have a very short attention span, I hate long projects and tiny needles. I'm hoping that these 3 projects will change all of that.