My business consuming my time is not a complaint, but it is a realization that I need to remind myself of occasionally. I have to rely on special events like workshops or stash spin down challenges to really get spinning done. So here we are again, spinning challenge time!
The Challenge: Spin as much as you can between November 1st and December 31st and post your stats and pictures in the BohoKnitterChic Spins Ravelry Group to enter into prize drawings for over 20 categories. That's right! Over 20 people have donated prizes to help the cause!
(The yarn on the left is one of my challenge yarns named "Strawberry Shortcake)
Still reading? I hope so because I've added a twist!
IT'S A POWER SPINNING WEEKEND!!!!! Spin as much as you can, yardage and weight, this Saturday and Sunday (Nov 20-21st) and post your yardage and weight spun in the comments of this blog post by Monday morning (the 22nd). The most yardage spun and the greatest weight will win a prize from me. What's the prize? I have no idea. But it will be good. I promise.